Buy Online not only serves as a classified portal for the public, it also sales products directly to clients interested in buying products online. Sinansel therefore advertise and sells quality products online.
To buy online, after login, please click on the product you are interested in, on the right of said product, please click on the link Buy This Item Directly From SINANSEL.
A window requesting you to fill up some credentials will open, namely:
- Your full name
- Your mobile number
- Your e-mail address
- Your delivery address
You will also check on the right, and ascertain whether the price is in line with the item or service you are about to purchase.
Scroll down and click on Buy This Item. You will be directed to the payment window where two types of payment are available: Payment by Cards or Payment through Pay Pal. Click on whichever payment you are going to use and effect the payment.
Your item or service with be supplied to you after payment as a consultant will keep in touch until the product or service is fully made available to you.